I'd rather be....on the beach

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

UNILINC Seminar - Library Services in the Indigenous Context: protocols, training, service

The Seminar aims to help Close the Gap when it comes to libraries and other information service delivery.
I was lucky enough to attend this friendly and informative seminar.

Grai was there and sends greetings to all. Grai and Lachlan are getting married next May. They have just signed the papers to buy a home near Macquarie Uni, and Lachlan is working as an archivist.

Many university libraries have a significant number of Indigenous students who could benefit from improved outreach programs.
From the latest census 0.6% of Sutherland Shire people are Indigenous, ie Aboriginal &/or Torres Strait Islander compared with the national average of 2.3%.
Census results for the Shire for Country of birth show numbers are similar for Chinese, Italian, Greek and South African people.

Kirinari Hostel at Sylvania, houses secondary students who attend our local high schools - check out this youtube video made by a couple of students in 2007.

Some dot points below that Sutherland Libraries might be able to use to encourage greater use of our resources.

.Be aware of and implement the ATSILIRN Protocols. The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Library and Information Resources Network Protocols.

.Outreach to Aboriginal people in our community.

.Create relationships. Get out of the building, into the community.

.Attend activities such as NAIDOC and other events in your local community.

.Display our Reconciliation Statement.

.Develop Mentorships

.Beware of gatekeepers - ie one active, easy to contact person being used to gather and distribute information. Make sure information is getting out to the wider community.

.Check AIATSIS Thesauri for cataloguing and similar purposes - pathways are available under Place, language, subject.

.Employ Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff.


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